Periodontal Care & Maintenance

Many people don’t realize how crucial healthy gums are to their overall oral health. Healthy gums help to support healthy teeth and provide protection to sensitive roots.

Periodontal (gum) disease, however, can quickly turn into a serious problem. This chronic infection attacks the gum tissue and the bone beneath it, causing the gums to recede and the bone to weaken and become diminished. Gum disease is the number one cause of lost teeth in American adults.

Of even greater concern is the effect that gum disease has on your overall health. Periodontal disease has been recently linked to a number of serious health conditions, including respiratory disease, heart disease, and diabetes. At Brigham Dental Care, your health is one of our top priorities, and we will work together with you to help prevent and treat periodontal disease.

Preventing Periodontal Disease

While many factors contribute to periodontal disease, you can lower your risk for it. Brushing and flossing are, of course, key components, and our skilled hygienists at our Morristown dental practice are happy to discuss your home care routine with you and help you improve your technique so you can get the most out of your home care.

Regular visits for professional cleanings are also vital for preventing gum disease. Plaque and tartar at the gumline lead to gum disease, and it’s practically impossible to remove every trace of plaque with brushing. Once plaque hardens into tartar, it can only be removed with professional instruments.

We’ll keep a close eye on your gums to watch for signs that you might be developing gum disease. Often, gum disease can begin “silently,” without obvious symptoms. As it progresses, however, you’ll probably notice:

  • Red, swollen, and tender gums
  • Bleeding when you brush and floss
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away when you brush
  • Gum recession, which causes your teeth to look longer
  • Loose (mobile) teeth

Treating Gum Disease

As with so many other conditions, the earlier we catch gum disease, the simpler the treatment. In its earliest stages, called gingivitis, simply improving your home care routine or adding antimicrobial products can reverse the course of the disease.

As the condition progresses, however, more treatment will become necessary to bring the infection under control.

When treating periodontal disease at Brigham Dental Care, we make sure that the experience is positive and comfortable for you. After administering a local anesthetic, we perform a periodontal deep cleaning treatment that removes plaque, tartar, and bacteria from beneath the gum line. We also place a local antibiotic called Arestin that helps eliminate bacteria, prevents reinfection, and reduces the depth of the pockets that form between the gums and teeth during periodontal disease.

Is It Time for a Cleaning and Check-Up?

Has it been a while since your last cleaning and check-up? Are you noticing any of the signs of gum disease?

Call Brigham Dental Care today to schedule your appointment. Matt Ebert, DMD, and our skilled hygienists are knowledgeable and compassionate, and they provide gentle, kind treatment.