Services & Procedures

At Brigham Dental Care, we are dedicated to providing outstanding dentistry to our patients. One of the ways we do this is by offering a range of services designed for your dental needs.

Your entire family is welcome at our Morrisville dental office. Dr. Ebert and our entire staff are excellent with kids, and we understand their unique needs.


Preventive Care


One of the most important services we offer is our preventive cleaning and examination with Dr. Ebert. Our skilled hygienists will carefully check over your teeth and remove any accumulated plaque or tartar. They will also review your hygiene habits with you and identify areas that could use improvement so you can get the very most from your home care routine.

Dr. Ebert will provide a thorough examination, including x-rays and screenings for various oral diseases. One of the services we are most proud to offer – and one our patients truly appreciate – is our dedicated Review of Findings visit. This twenty to thirty minute no-fee visit gives you one-on-one time with Dr. Ebert so that he can go over your x-rays and any findings with you and work with you to plan any needed treatment. We always take our time and don’t rush you into decisions.

At Brigham Dental Care, you are always in the driver’s seat. Our job isn’t to tell you what to do; it’s to give you information about your dental health and your options so you can make educated decisions about your dental care.


Restorative Treatments


Many people require some extra help to get their dental health back on track. If this sounds like you, you’ll be happy to know that we can provide a number of treatments right here in our comfortable, relaxing office.

Dr. Ebert can craft beautiful, natural-looking crowns and bridges to restore and replace damaged teeth. He can also restore dental implants, an innovative new option for tooth replacement that closely mimics the appearance and function of natural teeth.

If it’s time to think about dentures, you’ll be happy to know that Dr. Ebert is skilled at designing lifelike dentures that look great and fit comfortably and securely.


Cosmetic Dental Care

Maybe your smile is healthy but it needs a little help to look its best.

If you’ve ever thought about improving the appearance of your smile, just let us know and we are happy to discuss your options with you. You could benefit from teeth whitening, veneers, or orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.

Extras for Long-Term Health


Dr. Ebert can use specially designed occlusal guards to treat bruxism, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ or TMD), snoring, and sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder. If you have been experiencing symptoms of any of these conditions, call our office and schedule an appointment to learn more about how a night guard could protect your teeth, your sleep, and your overall health.


Call Today to Schedule


We are always happy to answer any questions you might have, and we look forward to seeing you at your first appointment! Call Brigham Dental Care today to get started.