Custom Tray & In-Office Teeth Whitening

When you look at your smile, what do you see? Is it bright, healthy, and white? Or are your teeth dull, yellowish, and discolored?

Discoloration can be caused by everything from smoking to coffee to genetics. Unfortunately, a discolored smile can really affect your self-esteem and your confidence.

Professional teeth whitening helps roll back the clock to produce a younger, more vibrant smile. Depending on your level of discoloration, your tooth color may improve by eight or more shades. 

At Brigham Dental Care, we are proud to offer both Opalescence and KöR, two treatments with incredible whitening power. KöR can even improve discoloration caused by certain medications, something no other whitening treatment can do. You have the option of whitening your teeth quickly right here in our Morristown dental office or in the privacy of your own home.

In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening

Do you have a special event coming up soon, like a big job interview, special reunion, or a wedding? An in-office teeth whitening treatment can help you look your best so you feel more confident. You’ll leave our office with significantly whiter and brighter teeth in just one hour.

Take-Home Whitening Kits

If whitening your teeth in our office isn’t practical, we can also discuss take-home whitening. These kits, which you purchase at our office, offer the same great whitening results as in-office whitening in about a two-week time period.

We are frequently asked what the difference is between the kits we provide and those you can buy at the grocery store. There are actually several pretty big differences:

  • Your kit will be customized to you. Dr. Ebert will help you select an appropriate strength of whitening product and your trays will be made just for you from impressions of your teeth. Unlike store whitening kits, which are designed to be “one size fits all,” our whitening kits will help keep the whitening gel on your teeth where it belongs.
  • The whitening product in professional kits is stronger than the kind you buy in the store. This gives you more dramatic results in a shorter period of time.
  • Dr. Ebert will monitor your progress and make sure you achieve the best possible results. You are welcome to contact our office any time you have a question or concern so you can get advice from the experienced dental team you trust.

Are You Ready for a More Beautiful Smile?

Getting started with whitening is easy. Call our office to schedule an appointment and let us know that you would like to whiten your teeth. We recommend a professional cleaning before your whitening procedure so that you can start with a fresh surface, free from any plaque or tartar that could obscure your results.

Crowns and other restorations don’t whiten in the same way that natural tooth enamel does, so if you have any restorations, we can discuss other options for improving the shade of your teeth.

Call today to schedule your cleaning and consultation at Brigham Dental Care.