Tooth Colored Fillings in Morrisville, VT – Brigham Dental Care

Cavities, or dental caries, are an unfortunate fact of life. According to the CDC, just about every person in the United States will develop at least one cavity during the course of their lifetime.

We don’t think a cavity should permanently mar your smile. At Brigham Dental Care, we offer tooth-colored composite fillings that blend in with the natural color of your enamel. After all, you and your dentist are the only ones who ever need to know that you’ve had a cavity!

What Makes Tooth-Colored Fillings Special?

Depending on your age, you may already have one or more metal amalgam fillings. If so, you are well aware of how visible these dark gray areas can be. Tooth-colored composite fillings eliminate this problem so you can smile with confidence.

In addition to the esthetic advantages, composite fillings have a few other distinct benefits:

  • To place an amalgam filling, we have to remove extra tooth structure to create an anchor that holds the filling in place. Since composite fillings bond directly to your tooth, we can preserve more of your healthy tooth structure.
  • Amalgam fillings contain mercury. While studies have repeatedly shown that the mercury in fillings is not dangerous, many people would prefer the peace of mind that comes from knowing that their fillings are mercury free.
  • Composite fillings are incredibly versatile. In addition to filling cavities, we can also use tooth-colored filling material to make cosmetic improvements to your teeth, fixing small flaws and concealing discolorations.

How Are Fillings Placed?


If we determine that you are in need of a filling, we will review your options with you. At Brigham Dental Care, we believe strongly in educating patients about their choices, and you will always be in the driver’s seat.

If you and Dr. Ebert agree that a composite filling is the best option, the first step, depending on the size of the cavity, may be to numb the tooth so that you don’t feel any discomfort while Dr. Ebert works. When cavities are small, we may be able to skip this step, but your comfort is always one of our top priorities, so just let us know what you would prefer.

Once the tooth is numb, Dr. Ebert will carefully remove the decay. The tooth will then be prepped for the filling, which is applied in layers. Each layer is cured before the next layer is applied for a strong, long-lasting restoration.

Once the cavity is filled, Dr. Ebert will remove any excess composite material and make sure that the filling is flush with the surface of your tooth. Your tooth and filling will then be polished so that the filling blends in beautifully with your enamel.

Do I Have a Cavity?

In most cases, cavities don’t produce any symptoms until they are quite large. If a large cavity has developed, you may begin to experience pain and sensitivity. One of our main goals, however, is to prevent dental problems from causing you discomfort.

Regular visits to our Morrisville dental office will allow Dr. Ebert to catch problems when they are small and easily treated. While we may not be able to prevent all cavities, routine cleanings and good home oral hygiene will significantly reduce the number you have to deal with during your lifetime.

If it’s time for your next check-up and cleaning, don’t hesitate to give us a call! We’ll find an appointment time that works for you.


Are you interested in learning more information about tooth colored fillings? You should call Brigham Dental Care in Morrisville, VT at (802) 888-5685 today!